Since racing the London Marathon in April producing a much improved PB of 2 hour 31 mins focus turned back to some trail training preparing for take two of Mont Blanc Marathon on 26th June. As the saying goes a change is as good as a rest, the move from the roads of Somerset to the local trails rejuvenated my motivation.
Preparation for this had two major aims lots of ascent and once a week running for in excess of 3 hours. Other than this it was just getting out running and staying healthy. This equated to this:
A few notable points in this block of training:
- Recovery week post London just getting the legs moving- maybe a little fast.
- 40 Miles of Brecon Beacons Traverse - Time on feet and learning to sustain myself for longer distances.
- Race Recce Week- Sampled two major climbs along with the reserve route just in case due to the amounts of snow, lots of vertical meters over the week with two long runs.
- Taper Week- Life happened, ran when I had chance.
The plan was as follows, start off slower, eat more frequent, move up places at each time checkpoint and save the major suffering for the last climb.
In the early stages of the race I produced a slower first 10km than the previous year and was able to take on regular gels. At the base of the first major climb (Possettes) I had my first test of patients nearly loosing a bottle due to a rip in my race pack bottle holder, having happened I just altered my pack set up and continued minimising lost time. Heading up the climb I was holding my own in the field while minimising energy expenditure. Onto the descent I began to loose places dropping back down the field, but feeling reasonably good I backed myself to regain these with interest over the closing miles.
On the final climb up to Flegere I was experiencing cramps in my lower legs and with an aid station at the top I gathered myself had a couple cups of flat coke and took off with some final overtakes in mind. With a change to the route up to the finish there was a leg and lung busting climb with 30% gradient in places creating one last mental test giving me chance to defend my placing to finish 50th overall and 2nd British finisher.
The most satisfying aspect of this race was reflecting on previous blocks and training and races to implement a much more measured plan achieving a final placing 43 higher than 2015. Going into the race I new if I did not show significant improvement I would be disappointed but with the improvement I was most pleased with the outcome.
On a brief side note London Marathon was also a pleasing consistent 5km’s to start lost a little bit of time over the last few miles. Placed 3rd in National Club Championships thanks to other strong Bournemouth AC performances and on a personal note currently ranked 3rd U23 nationally.
No concrete plans for the remainder of the year likely some local races and doing the training I most enjoy.
Once again thanks to family and friends for the ongoing support.